Registrations for the 2025-2026 year are open! Please complete the online registration form.
Your child’s registration for 2025-2026 will be considered complete when all of the following documents have been submitted:
- Completed Online Registration Form *Due to WESBAS nearing full capacity please email the program to inquire about registration*
- Full Time
- AM Only
- PM Only
- Drop In AM- requires 48 hrs. notice
- Drop In PM- requires 48 hrs. notice
- ***Please note that the online registration form prompts for "frequency" (ie) days of the week. By using the proper registration form link for our Full Time, Part Time or Drop In Registration forms, this "frequency" section is not required, so please indicate "Full Time", even if you are registering for a "Part Time" placement, once you are in the Registration Form.
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Applicable Custody Documentation (if court has issued an order under the Child Youth and Family Enhancement Act, the Divorce Act or the Youth Criminal Justice Act or is the subject of a parenting time restriction.
- If other family circumstances are important for the school to know, please advise the Program Director.
- Yearly Registration Fee of $50 (non-refundable) for 2025-2026
- Special Early Bird Pricing of $30, if registered by June 13th, 2025
- Signed Parent Handbook Agreement
- Signed Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Form
- Confirmation if your child is participating in which program option:
- Full Time
- Part Time AM
- Part Time PM
- Drop In (AM)
- Drop IN (PM)
- PD Days ($25 per day for 2025-2026)
- Special "Camp" Dates (TBD) - $25 per day for 2025-2026)