2024-2025 |
Full Time
(Before and After care)
- $425/month (includes Flex/PD Days)
Part Time
(Either Before or After Care)
- $325/month Before School Care only (includes Flex/PD Days)
- $325/month After School Care only (includes Flex/PD Days)
Drop In
- $15 - before school only
- $15 - after school only
- We require 48 hours notice for drop in order to ensure we have proper staffing in place.
PD and Flex Fridays
- $25/day for PD and Flex Fridays (if not in Full/Part Time Program)
- Parents are required to supply one snack and lunch on these days
Special Camp Days
- There may be special "camp days" on some school closure days and/or school holidays in 2024-2025.
- $25/day for any special camp days
- Parents are required to supply one snack and lunch on these days